FilmGuard – Small 50ml Bottle


FilmGuard is a lubricant for motion picture film. These are smaller unbranded 50ml bottles we have filled from a large bottle.

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FilmGuard is a lubricant for motion picture film. These are smaller unbranded 50ml bottles we have filled from a large bottle.

We use it occasionally for prints we like to run in the projector. You would wet a PecPad cleaning cloth with the filmGuard, then run the film through the cloth.

FilmGuard can also work well for filling in those emulsion cracks and scratches if you’re scanning your own film on a scaner that doesnt have a wetgate.


Some information from Film-Techs website regarding the product:

The FilmGuard cleaning and lubricating system was designed with the goal to be able to run the same motion picture print for months and months without the annoying dirt and scratches which typically comes from dirt buildup in the gate of the projector.  As everyone who has ever worked with 35mm film in real life projection rooms and not the “ideal” white room conditions commonly spoken of in trade documents knows, film cannot be run over and over without at least a slight amount of dirt buildup.  In fact, SMPTE has stated the useful life of a 35mm print is only 300 runs through a projector.  FilmGuarded prints have been projected in typical theatres without any sign of deterioration, dust or scratches.